1st Anniversary/Black Friday Sale
Join us on Black Friday to celebrate our 1st Anniversary, and the Holiday Season!!! Get your Christmas gift shopping started at Crazy Lady Adventures Candle and Wax Melt shop!
This has been an amazing year, and we would like to thank all of you for your support, so please stop by and say hello. Join us in a toast, enter our raffle, smell the holiday scents, and get your shopping started with clean scent candles and wax melts, that have no dyes, no pthalates, no paraffin, just soy wax and bees wax, with natural coloring!
Hope to see you soon. If you live out of town and want to order online to receive our special, please text me at 954-309-6742 or email me at sandee@crazyladyadventures.com.
Burn Brightly, Cheers to another year!
WOW! 1st Anniversary!!! Time has flown by.